Saturday, May 10, 2008

WoMyn'S WoRk

I made these cards for an Artist Trading Cards show as part of
Mayworks Celebration two years ago.
My theme was womyn's work.
Domestic work.
The work of keeping oneself looking "beautiful", the work of cleaning and sewing in the home, etc.
I cut up books for the first time in my life.
Boy, it was hard at first!
For he card above I used text from an Erma Bombeck humour book, I think, and pics from various magazines.

This card shows two womyn. One is sweeping, and the other is scrubbing the floor.

I included a label from a garment that said "laundry" and a piece of lace in the shape of a heart for LOVE, and an X out of red beads for KISSES.

The LOVE & KISSES are for the womyn.
I used the spelling of womyn without the MAN in it in honour of women, while being cognizant of the fact that... well, let's just put it this way, it's a feminist act.
Now men, you don't have to be offended because if you love womyn and want the best for them, then you are a feminist too. : )
Peace be blessed ones.

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