Wednesday, December 31, 2008

nEw WiSh

May the new year

give you a connection

to nature

and all that you love

and may you

recognize the

profitable path

to your destiny

that is laid out

before you


Monday, December 29, 2008

tEaRs fAll


it is necessary

that tears do fall


and purposefully

upon waking

after dreaming

the world of love

and the love with a child

is the most beautiful love

ever to know

there is none so fulfilling

so undying

so right

my child loves me

wholly and fully

seeing my beauty

as I myself

await it's ripening

He sees that I fly


in this moment

of this earth

and of the heavens

my angel

my fairy

my greatest love

I love you


my sweet one


Sunday, December 28, 2008

HiLaRiOuS wRaPping

This gave me a belly laugh!!

It's a band-aid!
Professionally wrapped
with a bachelor's touch.
Ha ha!

Thank you Art. xx

Saturday, December 27, 2008

mErrY xMaS

I know this is a little late,
but I still feel the season.
: )

My kind of card

stitched by me on cardboard
(which is a very cool tactile sensation!)

Merry Christmas to all my friends,
and followers!
Margie Rose

Monday, December 22, 2008

iPoD/CeLL pHoNe sOcK eMbRoiDeRy

Here is some of my recent embroidery.
It's not intricate,
but simplistic,
and quick to accomplish.
I do not aspire to do "woman's work",
as women would have done in the past.
I seek to express my individuality,
and creativity.
: D

Repurposed ribbing
cell phone sock.
: D

Available at

Friday, December 19, 2008

oVeRLy oPtiMiStiC

I think I'm overly optimistic.

On December 2, I wrote that my garden was a winter wonderland, and I posted pics of the virgin planting of our garlic.

All was green, and lush looking, and the weather was almost balmy.

I also have been nursing along five tomato plants in the lovely little greenhouse I designed with recycled shower doors.

Well, now we have snow up to my thighs, and the tomatoes are finished.

I picked all the frozen tomatoes off the vines today, and cut the plants off. I harvested about 10 pounds of nature-frozen little gems. I will make some sauce, once I find out a little more information about green tomatoes. ( I only know about fried green tomatoes) I don't think they will kill me, or anything, like rhubarb leaves ...

So our winter wonderland is really quite the wonderland!

It's sooo beautiful!!

I love it.

I don't mind driving in it at all, either.
Although I only drive when absolutely necessary, preferring to walk when I can.
The town is pretty much shut down though, which is weird since lots of places live with this kind of snow all winter. But I guess they are used to it and we aren't.

We haven't had a snow like this since my son was one, and I carried him in the backpack and walked the roads with only a footpath to get to the grocery store.

It was quite heavenly, and peaceful!

Just like it is now.

Monday, December 15, 2008

LoTsA FiBrEs (FiBeRs : )

These are the crocheted
flowers after
I felted them!
: )

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I'm in my kitchen

I crocheted these to felt

I even made a video

I'll show it to you soon!


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

gArLiC & gArDeNs

This is how my garden is coming along & there is the tomato greenhouse I built.

Here is a new round garden we made around our apple tree.

The garlic is poised for a dive. : )

This is the snazzy entrance to the square garden bed, with the round garden at the heart.

Winter wonderland.

Monday, December 1, 2008

MoRe pRoCeSs

Some fabric strips and the hook I learned on as a child
Testing out the method... exciting

Some pre-made, weird out-of-focus shapes found at the thrift eye masks?

Working with what I've got ; ) which is a lot

Some more crochet and brainstorming freeform

It's a vessel of some kind (probably a purse!) funky

With a lid no it isn't British

Sorry the pics are yellow... I took them at night with no flash, I was so excited to document the process! It ain't easy being a homeschooling mom, bringin' in the daily bread, AND trying to get products out of my mind and off to Etsy, or wherever to sell, while I run a sewing business. One day, I will have some Angels to help me with this long lived dream. I've been working on the dream since I was a child (creating and selling). I just need a partner in crime. : )
love to the universe and back to me and you
namaste my friends

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a PrOcEsS



freeform stitching

more stitching

: )
I think it's gonna be a mini pillow

for my site
well... one day...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008



If someone found you
after a long time
deserted on an island
you may look scared
and even frightening and ugly

You have not had a mirror
to see yourself
in your own eyes
and in the eyes of others

If people see you weirdly
and they cannot see your value
they may drive their boat away
and sail on to calmer waters
Until one day the storm
comes to their door

If you cannot love a person
who needs love more than most
who at that time needs your life boat
then you can be sure
you have missed an opportunity
to show a love you know
to someone who knows it not.

©Art Chick