Monday, December 1, 2008

MoRe pRoCeSs

Some fabric strips and the hook I learned on as a child
Testing out the method... exciting

Some pre-made, weird out-of-focus shapes found at the thrift eye masks?

Working with what I've got ; ) which is a lot

Some more crochet and brainstorming freeform

It's a vessel of some kind (probably a purse!) funky

With a lid no it isn't British

Sorry the pics are yellow... I took them at night with no flash, I was so excited to document the process! It ain't easy being a homeschooling mom, bringin' in the daily bread, AND trying to get products out of my mind and off to Etsy, or wherever to sell, while I run a sewing business. One day, I will have some Angels to help me with this long lived dream. I've been working on the dream since I was a child (creating and selling). I just need a partner in crime. : )
love to the universe and back to me and you
namaste my friends

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