Wednesday, October 15, 2008

mOre SiSters

Remnants for roses

Curly threads for hair
thread painting for faces

I've found I can do so many creative things with the stuff (bi-products : ) from my alterations business.
I save everything.
I keep a mini garbage can on my table
and I put all the tiny-est threads and fabric bits there. This stuff even looks so cool and inspiring when it's emptied into clear zip lock bags. An art series in itself!!
I have a can for threads, sewing thread labels, and other interesting bits. I have a scrap bag, and another bag for all the weird fibre-ey stuff that comes out of my serger's cutting tray (that stuff is going to get mixed with textile medium or something and modelled one of these days!)

Recycling at it's most creative.
: )
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