Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I recycle a lot! Sometimes it is a lot of work. I see it as kind of a trade-off... I work for money and I buy new stuff, or I spend my time recycling things that have already been bought, and re-use them. These containers are recycled salad "clam-shell" containers. I managed to get a grocery store to save them for me when the greens had past their expiration date. They are great containers. They stack well, and they are clear. I use them in my studio to store all my sewing and fibre art notions. I have them labelled and alphebetized.
Here are a bunch of the lids.
I take all the labels off and wash them before I put stuff in them.
It's a labor of love.
For the planet.


Unknown said...

What a good storage idea. I'd never thought of asking stores for leftover packaging. And the pictures are nice in an artistic way as well.

aRt cHiCk said...

thanks for the comment. Ya, so glad I discovered these containers- they are great for storage- and FREE... yay.
Just curious how you came across my blog on the world wide web??